* Netlist created with www.circuit-diagram.org * AC 220V to 15V DC converter by V.V. Badhrinath 6G 'Alternative Ground a:0 type=Earth C1 0 1 2.2E-07 C2 0 2 2.2E-07 'Voltage Regulator c:1 a:2 b:3 reference=IC1 part=LM7815 labela=Vin labelb=Gnd labelc=Vout pina= pinb= pinc= 'polarisedcapacitor b:3 a:2 style=IEC text=C1 capacitance=0.0022 showCapacitance=True t=Polarised D3 ? ? D4 ? ? 'transformer sb:3 sa:4 pb:5 pa:6 'acsource b:5 a:6 voltage=220 frequency=50 showvoltage=True t=AC